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CSU Extension - A division of the Office of Engagement. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Established 1908

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Source: CSU Extension

Whether your a gardener that could use some additional information on your soil or a producer wanting fertilizer recommendations for your fields, we are here to assist you with your soil needs. Soil services provided are:

Contact us today for more information on what soil service is right for you and to schedule an appointment!

Hay Sampling

Source: CSU Extension

Looking to get a nutrient analysis of your hay? We have a hay sampling probe to help collect the best representative sample from your lot and help connect you with a lab for analyzing the results. Time permitting, we’ll even help you out with sampling! Below are costs associated with this service:

Plant Diagnostics

Source: CSU Extension

Are your plants having trouble and you don’t know what is going on? Give us a call and we can help you figure out what could be ailing them. Plant Diagnostic service provided are:

  • Insect ID – Free!
  • Basic Plant Diagnostic – Free!
  • Plant Diagnostic Lab Analysis – $25-35 depending on test

Typically, we will try and diagnose through insect ID or a basic plant diagnostics and, if we are unable to confirm the issue, we will send off to our one of CSU’s Plant Diagnostic Labs.

CSU Campus Plant Diagnostic Lab

Jefferson County Plant Diagnostic Clinic


Call, text or email us for a free consultation. As our schedule permits, we are also available to conduct site visits to your property. Contact us today and we will help assist you, direct you, or schedule a time to walk your property.