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CSU Extension - A division of the Office of Engagement. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Established 1908

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The CSU Extension Specialist in Pitkin County is Drew Walters. Drew grew up in the Roaring Fork Valley and is happy to be serving the area as Pitkin County’s Agriculture Specialist. He is currently working 80% with Pitkin County Open Space and Trails, overseeing the county’s agriculture leasing program and 20% with Pitkin County Extension. He has experience in soil and irrigation management, noxious weed identification, pest management, and greenhouse management. When you contact Drew, you will connect with CSU’s network of agriculture professionals, so please feel free to contact us with any questions or issues you are dealing with, we’re here to support you!

Extension hours are irregular and services are provided by appointment. Please reach out to Drew by phone, text, or email:

  • (970) 319-0475